Art Durinski
the Durinski Design Group 310-440-3896

Art Durinski was Designer and Art Director at "Information International, Inc." ("Triple I")
from 1976 to 1983, as well as an Art Director at "Digital Productions," where he won a
"Clio Award" for the computer generated Sony "Walkman" Commercial. From 1984 to
1986 Art was Creative Director at "Omnibus Computer Graphics," Los Angeles.
Prior to his involvement with Computer Graphics , Art Durinski was Principal of "Art
Durinski Design," a design and production studio specializing in Corporate Identity
Programs. From 1986 to 1988 Art lived and worked in Tokyo, Japan where he was a Creative Advisor and Director with "Links Corporation." After re-establishing Los Angeles as his "home base," Art founded "the Durinski Design Group," a design and consulting firm specializing in the Conceptualization, Design, and Direction of Motion Sequences for
the International Advertising and Entertainment Communities.
Art holds MA and MFA Degrees (in Design) from the University of California, Los Angeles
(UCLA). He has taught at various Educational Institutions (including UCLA, USC, and Otis College of Art and Design) specializing in the areas of "Motion Design" and "Digital
Imagery." From the years 2000 to 2010 Art was the Assistant Chair of the Digital Media
Department at Otis. He has spoken at numerous Professional and Industry Events
Internationally, and Art Durinski is recognized throughout the World as a Computer
Graphics Design Pioneer.
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