Art Durinski
the Durinski Design Group 310-440-3896

Other projects of Art's include: directing animation for a series of ten commercials for the
Japanese phone company "DDI," directing visual effects for the "X-Files" television show,
directing digital effects for the movies entitled: "Genie," "Shrunken City," and "Progeny,"
designing and directing broadcast graphics for "Novocom," Los Angeles, and art directing and visual effects consulting for "Walt Disney Feature Animation." Art is the "Visual Effects Supervisor" for the Japanese feature film entitled "Umoregi," directed by Kohei
Oguri, which premiered at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.
And Art Durinski has a major interest in (and experience in) creating and developing digital content for destination-based interactive installations and environments. To this end, he has recently designed, directed, and produced such projects as: "The Virtual
Aquarium," and the interactive "Holo Table" attraction for Sony Corporation for their Exhibition Spaces in Beijing, China and in Tokyo, Japan.
Art is featured in the Siggraph-produced HD documentary entitled "The Story of Computer Graphics." He is also the featured designer (and on the cover) of the November/December 1999 issue of the international design magazine "Axis." Art is
also a founding "Board Director" of the professional organization "The Visual Effects
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